Example of Pythran Usage Within a Full Project

This notebook covers the creation of a simple, distutils-powered, project that ships a pythran kernel.

But first some cleanup

!rm -rf hello setup.py && mkdir hello

Project layout

The Pythran file is really dumb. The expected layout is:

  +---- __init__.py
  +---- hello.py
%%file hello/hello.py

#pythran export hello()

def hello():
    Wave hello.
    print("Hello from Pythran o/")
Writing hello/hello.py

And so is the __init__.py file.

%%file hello/__init__.py
Hello package, featuring a Pythran kernel.
from hello import hello
Writing hello/__init__.py

The setup.py file contains the classical metadata, plus a special header. this header basically states if pythran is available, use it, otherwise fallback to the python file.

%%file setup.py
from distutils.core import setup

    from pythran.dist import PythranExtension, PythranBuildExt
    setup_args = {
        'cmdclass': {"build_ext": PythranBuildExt},
        'ext_modules': [PythranExtension('hello.hello', sources = ['hello/hello.py'])],
except ImportError:
    print("Not building Pythran extension")
    setup_args = {}

setup(name = 'hello',
      version = '1.0',
      description = 'Yet another demo package',
      packages = ['hello'],
Writing setup.py

Running setup.py

With the described configuration, the normal python setup.py targets should « just work ».

If pythran is in the path, it is used to generate the alternative c++ extension when building a source release. Note the hello.cpp!

rm -rf build dist
python setup.py sdist 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
tar tf dist/hello-1.0.tar.gz | grep -E 'hello/hello.(py|cpp)' -o | sort

But if pythran is no longer in the PYTHONPATH, the installation does not fail: the regular Python source can still be used.

rm -rf build dist
PYTHONPATH= python setup.py sdist 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
tar tf dist/hello-1.0.tar.gz | grep -E 'hello/hello.py' -o

In case of binary distribution, the native module is generated alongside the original source.

rm -rf build dist
python setup.py bdist 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
tar tf dist/hello-1.0.linux-x86_64.tar.gz | grep -E 'hello/hello.(py|cpp)' -o

And if pythran is not in the PYTHONPATH, this still work \o/

rm -rf build dist
PYTHONPATH= python setup.py bdist 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
tar tf dist/hello-1.0.linux-x86_64.tar.gz | grep -E 'hello/hello.py' -o